This section covers all of our frequently asked questions, broken down into Booking & Planning, On the Day, Health and Safety, and Post Visit.
Booking & Planning
How do I book a school trip?
For information on how to book, visit Thorpepark.com/Schools
How many teachers can attend?
There is no limit on the number of teachers. For more information on teacher tickets please visit here
What are the payment methods and if schools are paying by cheque where do they send it to?
School trips can be paid by invoice, BACs and credit/debit card. For invoice queries only please: Phone: 0044 (0) 1256 593100, or email O2C@merlinentertainments.biz
How will I receive my school booking tickets?
All School tickets will be sent to you once you have completed a booking confirmation form. All tickets need to be printed in advance of your trip and taken to turnstiles on arrival where they will be scanned. We do not print tickets on the day.
If visiting on a Peak or Super Peak visit date, you will receive one barcode for your whole group, rather than individual tickets.
How can I request my two free planning tickets?
Teacher planning tickets should be requested when submitting a provisional booking. Once the provisional booking has been confirmed and you have received your tickets, these planning tickets can be collected from our Ticket Sales Building any time before the visit date.
Do you have home schooling rates?
We match our regular school prices for home school students. Proof of status will be required as with schools. Home school trips will need to be booked by using our provisional booking form here.
We will be taking the train to visit Thorpe Park How do we travel from Staines Train Station?
Sullivan Buses operate a regular service to and from Staines Train Station. For more information or to book in advance, contact Ashley Hutchins at Sullivan Buses ashley@sullivanbuses.co.uk
I want to make an amendment to my booking. How can I do this?
Please fill in the school amendment form with your updated numbers. Please note that requests can take up to 10 days to action so please fill in with enough time.
If you have already confirmed your booking, you are unable to change your numbers.
Can I cancel a school trip?
Whilst it would be a shame if you’re no longer able to visit us, we know that this sometimes can’t be helped! You can cancel a school trip reservation for free any time before you confirm your provisional booking. To cancel, complete an amendment form to notify us here.
If you have already confirmed your booking with us, cancellation will not be possible. Please ensure bookings are only confirmed once you are certain the trip can go ahead as planned.
On the Day
Is there coach or minibus parking?
Yes we offer both coach and minibus parking Thorpe Park. Please make sure you pre-book the correct number of coach and/or minibus tickets whilst making a school trip booking. Please also note, at peak times entrance to the Resort can become rather busy so early arrival is always advised.
Do coach and minibus drivers receive any benefits?
We offer coach and minibus complimentary admission to Thorpe Park which will be arranged by the school upon booking the trip. Coach Drivers may be asked to present their daily job sheet or ID as proof at any time during the visit.
How long can guests wait in the drop off/pick up area?
To reduce traffic, build up we would ask our guests limit their waiting time to 30 minutes when picking up and collecting guests.
Are there any meeting points at Thorpe Park?
The Dome is already used heavily as a meeting place so please feel free to see our Resort map to find alternative meeting points. Our Information pack also outlines recommended areas to use as meeting points.
Are lockers available for students to place their belongings?
Yes, these can be located in the lower level of the Dome. Lockers cost £2 and are non-refundable.
Could students be exposed to water whilst at Thorpe Park?
Some rides do have a water element to them. These rides include Depth Charge, Tidal Wave, Storm Surge, and Rumba Rapids.
Is there a lunchroom for schools to hire?
There are no lunch rooms available but there is a wide variety of food options across the park. There are also several seating areas which may be suitable but we do not reserve.
Is there a room that religious schools can use to pray?
Currently there is no dedicated prayer space at Thorpe Park.
Are there any shaded areas for the students attending during the summer months?
There are shaded areas across the park for students to use. We also have free sun cream and water refills during the warmer months.
How can I find out more about your educational offering?
To find out more please visit our Education hub here.
Health and Safety
What are the height restrictions for the rides?
Each ride has its own height restrictions ranging from 0.9m to 1.4m minimum. To explore all our rides in advance, please click here
What are the medical provisions on-site with qualified staff?
We have a fully manned First Aid/Medical Centre located in the lower level of The Dome.
Are the rides and attractions inspected on a daily basis?
All rides undergo a rigorous testing schedule everyday by competent engineers in accordance with the manufacturers’ guidance. Rides also undergo a comprehensive winter check to ensure they are safe for the following season.
Do any of the rides have strobe lighting?
Yes, a few of the rides have strobe lighting for effect. This information can be found in the park maps and on the safety signage at the entrance to the rides.
Have you got any information about ride safety?
You can see our full ride safety guide here.
Post Visit
How do I report lost property?
Any items lost on your school trip should be reported as per our usual process. Click here for more information.