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The world’s first ten-loop roller coaster

Experience TEN exhilarating inversions, including a vertical loop, cobra roll, double corkscrew and the UK’s only quadruple barrel roll! Colossus proudly stands amongst the top ten roller coasters with the most inversions, worldwide!

At 98 ft in the air, the iconic steel track stands like the Colossus of Rhodes - a powerful wonder of the theme park world! Fly high and low through Thorpe Park’s Lost City, close enough to wave to visitors on the path, before you dive into an underground trench. Brace yourself: there are surprises hidden around every curved corner on Colossus!

Ride stats

44 mph top speed

You must be at least 1.4m to ride

Worlds first 10 looping roller coaster

98ft height

Maximum torso restriction 51 inches

Accessibility Information

Non-Ambulant & Wheelchair Access

  • You must have full upper body strength including head and neck control and be able to brace against the forces.

Missing Limb or Amputation Information


  • In the event of a lift evacuation you must be able to pull yourself up and out of the seat at an inclined angle and make a 180 degree turn onto the walkway with a waist harness.
  • For non-ambulant riders, an evacuation chair is present to assist with the descent from the lift.

The safety of our guests is paramount, and as part of our legal obligations we have conducted a risk assessment of all our rides which indicates that some cannot be ridden safely by guests with missing or amputated limbs, or those who use a prosthetic limb.

Each ride has been assigned a limb safety requirement, ranging from no restrictions in the number of limbs a guest has, to all 4 limbs being required. Please note that where a ride stipulates a minimum number of limbs a prosthetic limb cannot be used to reach this number.

A full list of restrictions are detailed in the Accessibility Guide. You can also view our example Ride Access Pass Time Card which has information on ride restrictions.

All prosthetic limbs must be secured to the guest’s body or removed before boarding any ride.

If you have any other questions or would like to discuss your situation in more detail prior to your visit either via Phone: 01932 577131 or Email:

Rides Colossus 1

Ride one of the most looping roller coasters in the world

Colossus broke the mould for thrill seekers who wanted to be twisted and turned upside down, over and over again. With ten wild and varied inversions, Colossus held the Guinness World Record for the most looping roller coaster in the world until 2013. 

Colossus may not be the world’s tallest coaster but, as the chain lift hill cranks you up to 98ft, you’ll feel on top of the world. It’s one of the only moments you’ll feel like you’re the right way up! 

From the top of the lift hill, the track plummets, reaching a top speed of 72km/h. Combining a vertical loop with an airtime hill builds momentum for an intense double cobra roll through the thick jungle of the Lost City. The steel roller coaster track continues with two corkscrews and four consecutive heartline rolls, just 10ft above the ground. Make sure there’s nothing loose in your pockets! 

Just when you think the ride is over, there’s still time for one more heartline roll to complete the set of ten and secure the 2002 roller coaster record. Colossus is a unique roller coaster, dedicated to surprising and delighting riders until the very last moment!

Choose your ticket

Book in advance to save

  • Experience over 25 rides and attractions
  • Children under 1.2m tall visit free
  • Island Return Guarantee – get a free return visit
  • Pre-book to guarantee entry

Stay in our on-site hotel

  • Two day theme park entry
  • One hour Fastrack (Excludes Hyperia)
  • Buffet breakfast
  • Free parking
  • Free WiFi
  • 10% off in our gift shops

Elevate your stay!

  • 2 day theme park entry
  • Coasters Fastrack per guest
  • One hour Fastrack (Excludes Hyperia)
  • Buffet breakfast
  • Free parking
  • Free WiFi
  • 10% off in our gift shops

Colossus Ride Reviews

After the corkscrews the train makes a turnaround and negotiates four – count ‘em! – consecutive clockwise heartline rolls. These were an absolute delight, not to mention a thrill, and not in the least bit rough. [...] Designing this ride with four heartline rolls in rapid succession was nothing short of brilliant.
Coaster Critic

Well paced, disorientating, and fun ride throughout. Front row seats offer guests one of the best ride experiences the Park has to offer.
Total Thorpe Park

Colossus has always been one of my favourite rides at Thorpe Park [...]. After all, it’s always fun exiting a ride feeling like your brain has been put through a centrifuge.
Trusted Reviews

Having travelled the entire length of the ride somersaulting through inline twists, the train manages to break free from this whirlpool [...] Colossus is a success in every meaning of the word.
Coaster Kingdom

Did you know?

  • Colossus has provided thrills at Thorpe Park since 2002, making it the theme park’s longest-standing roller coaster! Known as the coaster that rocketed Thorpe Park to Amusement Park Royalty, this ten-loop roller coaster is as epic today as it always has been.

  • Theme Park Top Tip: Sit in the front row for the best views of the track ahead; or opt for the back of the train if you want to experience some intense drag force!
Ride Restrictions Colossus

Ride Restrictions

Watch our video to find out more about Colossus ride restrictions.

Ride Evacuation Colossus

Ride Evacuation Demonstration

Watch our video to find out more about Colossus ride evacuation procedures.


1 Check-In & Check-Out
2 Guests
years old
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